Legend of Dinosaurs & Monster Birds

Legend of Dinosaurs and Monster Birds , Kyry Kaich no Densetsu lit. Legend of Dinosaurs and Ominous Birds? 1977 is a Japanese science fiction film, released by Toei Company.

Other bizarre things start happening around the Saiko Lake community. A young couple in a paddle boat disappear without a trace, an injured diver is pulled from the lake, and livestock begin to mysteriously vanish. Takashi begins developing a theory that perhaps a dinosaur is alive and well in Saiko lake. His theory gains a little more momentum after he rescues Junko on a foggy afternoon. While chasing her dog Kuma down a dirt road, ends up falling in a large puddle of blood with a headless horsecorpse lying nearby.She begins to scream for help, Takashi just happened to be in the neighborhood. He brings Junko back to Akikos RV, and waits with the two girls until nightfall. Eventually two local schmucks happen by and tell the confused trio that they must have imagined the headless horse. Takashi is baffled by this and decides to go see for himself. He finds the exact spot and begins probing around with a flashlight. Takashi doesnt see the horse anywhere, but he does discover some strange tracks in the mud and photographs them. His photo shoot is instantly interrupted after some blood drips onto the back of his neck. He quickly points his flashlight up and is shocked to see that the headless horses remains are lodged in the branches above. ........

Source: Wikipedia